18 October 2021

If you are an entrepreneur, your stress may be greater than the average person's. Your life is consumed with work, often without a break. And if you're feeling this intense level of stress, it could be because of the added responsibility that comes with being an entrepreneur.

Your stress may be stemming from the fact that you feel overwhelmed and in charge of too much. You want to do it all and often feel like you can't. It's important to relax and know when to delegate responsibilities to others so you can enjoy your life more.

Being an entrepreneur is a hard job, but it doesn't mean that you shouldn't take pride in what you've accomplished. You can celebrate any small victories, such as reading a 100 page report or completing a lengthy tasks without feeling guilty.

You may also be under-confident about your business's future, especially if things were slow in the beginning and you had to start with very little resources and learn on the go with limited resources.

Truth of the matter is there are many reasons that cause entrepreneurs to have higher stress levels. What may trigger stress for some may not be the same trigger for others. The most important thing is to take time for yourself and realign your thoughts and emotions with your goals. Below is a list of suggestions to help you accomplish this. The goal is to focus your attention on something non business related for short periods of time to provide mental focus.

  • Take a walk
  • Sit in a quiet area and think
  • Clean your office or house if you work from home
  • Listen to music
  • Plan out your day
  • Hire additional help to free up your time
  • Start a new hobby that requires small breaks to maintain